This is what i do
My services
Positions of trust
Suomeksi / In Finnish
Eeva Niskavaara Consulting Oy
Business Economics Training and Human Resource Development.
Additional experience
Board Memberships
Suomen Autokatsastus Oy, 1.1.1996—15.4.2003
Chairman of the board.
Ilmailulaitos Finavia, 1.1.2003—31.12.2009
Member of the board, Chairman of the auditing committee.
Valkeakosken Osuuspankki, 1.1.2003 - 31.08.2019 — Chairman of the board.
Valkeakosken Seudun Kehitys Oy, 1.1.2002—15.3.2012
Member of the board.
Valkeakosken Energia Oy, 29.5.2009 - 01.11.2021 — Member of the board.
Valkeakosken Energia Oy, 01.11.2021 — Chairman of the board.
Meritaito Oy, 1.1.2010 - 23.3.2017 — Member of the board, Chairman of the auditing committee.
OP-Eläkesäätiö, 1.1.2011 - 15.12.2017 — Member of the board.
Tellervo ja Juuso Waldenin Säätiö, 21.10.2013 — Member of the board.
Management and Leadership Experience from the Non-profit Voluntary Sector
Sports club Valkeakosken Haka ry, Chairman of the board 2005—2009
Sports club Valkeakosken Hakan Naisvoimistelijat ry, Chairman of the board 1992—1994, vice chairman 1981—1989
member of the board in many other associations
I was nominated Leader of the Year by the Finnish Sports Federation in 2009.